Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Natural Environment And The Human Race - 1531 Words

Humans have been intervening in nature for the past 200 milleniums. The natural environment and the human race have evolved together side-by-side. However, throughout the past few centuries, many ethical questions have been brought up regarding how the human race interacts with nature. As our factories and civilizations increase and expand, so does our footprint. One fairly recent ethical concern is the act of hunting. Hunting has been a staple in the evolution of the human race. The harvesting of animals has provided humans with many valuable resources necessary to survive. Alice Walker, Aldo Leopold, and many other professionals have studied, researched, and written about their views and findings on this matter. Once all of the information has been examined and digested, one can come to a conclusion that is held by hunters and conservationists alike. Hunting is in fact a human intrusion on nature that poses many ethical concerns and among these are hunting for necessity, population control, and sport/prosperity; however, if hunting is done in a principled and legal manner, the act is inherently just. Alice Walker speaks of how the Native Americans treated animals like humans and only killed when it was necessary for their survival. The European immigrants and their descendants have inherited an extremely bad reputation as being unethical hunters. One Native American group is quoted by Alice Walker saying, â€Å"The whites did not kill them to eat; they killed them for the metalShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Fate of Humanity by Technology1524 Words   |  7 Pagesthe history of humankind, the concept of the end of the world and an afterlife constantly lingered and drove humans to fear the gods. 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